Bid Adieu to The Date, The Year, The Time
How do you bid adieu
To thoughts
of Cherished moments
Loved Ones
Precious Happenings?
Let's keep those thoughts with us
And Paint a Rainbow
Throw away
The Hate
The Pain
The Ugliness Within
The Farce Without
Grow as a person
Glow as a human
A fragment of the Lord
Our Choices Decide what the New Year will Bring to Us.
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Easier to Fall in Love
And much more strenous
Tedious and difficult
To stay in it
And nurture it
Each Moment
Each Day
And See it
Gradually grow into a Tree
And Bear Fruit!!
Just a General Voice of Caution for all those Contemplating!!
Another corollary....
Change it to Having a Baby!! And raising it!
Tedious and difficult
To stay in it
And nurture it
Each Moment
Each Day
And See it
Gradually grow into a Tree
And Bear Fruit!!
Just a General Voice of Caution for all those Contemplating!!
Another corollary....
Change it to Having a Baby!! And raising it!
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Why do some people keep their loved ones deprived of their love?
Does is speak of some inner securities?
Or they like to feel powerful when others beg for their attention??
They need to be analysed...
Why are people so rude with the persons who look up to them for assurance?
I am often left nonplussed by this sort of behaviour!
What is it with these people?
Does is speak of some inner securities?
Or they like to feel powerful when others beg for their attention??
They need to be analysed...
Why are people so rude with the persons who look up to them for assurance?
I am often left nonplussed by this sort of behaviour!
What is it with these people?
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Christmas Wish List of a Mom
But Oh Lord...can you please....
Tell them that
My Shirts
My Shirts
My Jeans
My Skirts
My Lipstick
My Chapstick
My Shoes
My Socks
My Bags
My Perfumes
My Clips
And Trinkets
ARE Mine!
in their Armoires?
Dear Santa...can you help??
Even Rudolph will rub his red nose redder,
For in my daughters' thoughts, what's Mom's, is Theirs!!
इतनी तीव्र क्यों होती हैं
कि अपने आप को "चुप" कहने के बाद भी उमड़ती रहती हैं
न जाने क्या नाता है इन लफ़्ज़ों से
न जाने क्या नाता है आवाज़ों से
न जाने क्या नाता है ख्यालों से
जो आते जाते ये आते हैं
और जाते हैं ..
कई बार लगता है कि ये कोई और ही है
जो मेरे अन्दर हर पल बोलता है
कभी मीठा, कभी कडवा
कभी ऐसा जो दिल सुनना नहीं चाहता
पर ऐसा सच जो सही है
न कि ऐसा झूठ जो सुन मन शांत रहे..
कभी इन्ही आवाजों को सुन
नए रास्ते मिले हैं
और कभी इन्हें ही सुन
नए अंजाम मिले हैं
कभी कभी इन्ही आवाज़ों ने
ऐसे लोग मिलवाये हैं
जिन्हें आज हम अपना मानते हैं ।
पर कभी कभी यही आवाजें
ऐसे भंवर बनाती हैं
कि अपना आपा हम खोने लगते हैं
और बवंडर में धंसने लगते हैं
तब अंतर्मन कोलाहल कर
हमें उस से खींच
उबार लाता है।
कि अपने आप को "चुप" कहने के बाद भी उमड़ती रहती हैं
न जाने क्या नाता है इन लफ़्ज़ों से
न जाने क्या नाता है आवाज़ों से
न जाने क्या नाता है ख्यालों से
जो आते जाते ये आते हैं
और जाते हैं ..
कई बार लगता है कि ये कोई और ही है
जो मेरे अन्दर हर पल बोलता है
कभी मीठा, कभी कडवा
कभी ऐसा जो दिल सुनना नहीं चाहता
पर ऐसा सच जो सही है
न कि ऐसा झूठ जो सुन मन शांत रहे..
कभी इन्ही आवाजों को सुन
नए रास्ते मिले हैं
और कभी इन्हें ही सुन
नए अंजाम मिले हैं
कभी कभी इन्ही आवाज़ों ने
ऐसे लोग मिलवाये हैं
जिन्हें आज हम अपना मानते हैं ।
पर कभी कभी यही आवाजें
ऐसे भंवर बनाती हैं
कि अपना आपा हम खोने लगते हैं
और बवंडर में धंसने लगते हैं
तब अंतर्मन कोलाहल कर
हमें उस से खींच
उबार लाता है।
क्या हमारा अंतर्मन किसी और चैनल पर चलता है, जो DTH के माध्यम से सीधे दिल और दिमाग पर छाता है ? और चित्रों के साथ साथ आवाजें भी सुनाता है ? Clear and Sharp?
Friday, 18 December 2009
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Gullible..Am I?
And also
Short Sighted
And Short Tempered
Different Reactions of Different People at Different Times!
Different Reactions TO Different People at Different Times!!
Free World isn't it!
Short Sighted
And Short Tempered
Different Reactions of Different People at Different Times!
Different Reactions TO Different People at Different Times!!
Free World isn't it!
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
The Carrier....of a Legacy
The fickle minded nature of some people perturbs me.
Selfishness, and notions of grandeur still disturb me.
I wish I could be immune to such people.
But why do they have the knack,
Of being like pinpricks,
Who irritate?
Selfishness, and notions of grandeur still disturb me.
I wish I could be immune to such people.
But why do they have the knack,
Of being like pinpricks,
Who irritate?
Monday, 14 December 2009
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Another Page in My Story
Friday, 11 December 2009
धीरे से क्यों आते हो
ख्यालों में
मुस्कुराहटों में
सवालों में
जवाबों में
अहसासों में
क्या दबे पाँव चलने की आदत ही है आपकी
कि हमारी नींद तोडना नहीं चाहते ?
मुस्कुराहटों में
सवालों में
जवाबों में
अहसासों में
क्या दबे पाँव चलने की आदत ही है आपकी
कि हमारी नींद तोडना नहीं चाहते ?
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Advice and Information
Just learnt some new things about myself. Mulling over it...
Or rather sulking :(
Or rather sulking :(
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Pre-requisites for a Love Letter
A little late in life to ask that I agree. Or maybe a little too early.
But if kids (ok not exactly), if youngters nowadays were to write love letters, would they have any pre-requisites for the same?
What would be the basic criteria? Would they have a certain set of standards?
Would they follow time tested paths? Or will they chart their own course?
Will they make the same mistakes? Or will they learn from their parents'?
Will they have the same trepidations? Or will they show the brashness of youth?
Or to think of it, will they pick up their Cell Phone, and just send an SMS or make The Call ?
Momos ?
Why are they Dim?
Why are they Some?
When they are so yum??
Some idiotic prattle..just for the heck of it :)
Why are they Dim?
Why are they Some?
When they are so yum??
Some idiotic prattle..just for the heck of it :)
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
I Remember
I know, there is an English this effect. But what do I do?
The first time I heard this song, I think I definitely needed a hearing aid. Got the lyrics jumbled up and thought why should someone be singing such utter rubbish!
My children, God Bless them, get into fits of laughter..Mom you are so funny !! (ok, I am mad, strict, crazy, odd, cute, lovable, adorable , depending upon the mood and the requirement of the moment, but then, those are the vagaries of motherhood and occupational hazards).
Since I am on the topic of English Songs, whatisitwithyouguyswhosingthosesongs? Can't you pronounce correctly, so that people like me can understand whateveritisthatyousing? Or am I destined to remain like hoi polloi and keep wading into the language and the lyrics of the songs to figure out what it means, both literally and figuratively?
And why can't what you sing make sense at all?
Ok, I know I sound like my Ma again. And can totally understand her frustations now that I have teenagers bounding around.
But still, ladies and gentlemen, who croon to glory, please, can you read, write, sing English and sense... especially in all those songs I do not understand?
My children, God Bless them, get into fits of laughter..Mom you are so funny !! (ok, I am mad, strict, crazy, odd, cute, lovable, adorable , depending upon the mood and the requirement of the moment, but then, those are the vagaries of motherhood and occupational hazards).
Since I am on the topic of English Songs, whatisitwithyouguyswhosingthosesongs? Can't you pronounce correctly, so that people like me can understand whateveritisthatyousing? Or am I destined to remain like hoi polloi and keep wading into the language and the lyrics of the songs to figure out what it means, both literally and figuratively?
And why can't what you sing make sense at all?
Ok, I know I sound like my Ma again. And can totally understand her frustations now that I have teenagers bounding around.
But still, ladies and gentlemen, who croon to glory, please, can you read, write, sing English and sense... especially in all those songs I do not understand?
I Cry :)
And Howl
And shed tears by the buckets,
When I do not get what I want!
Or should I roll on the floor
And throw a fit
And scream out my lungs
And generally make a nuisance of myself?
Will Mommy come and scold me then?
Will I get a swat on my bottom
And told "Behave"?
Or will I get my ear tweaked ?
Or be told to stand in a corner,
And given Time Out??
And shed tears by the buckets,
When I do not get what I want!
Or should I roll on the floor
And throw a fit
And scream out my lungs
And generally make a nuisance of myself?
Will Mommy come and scold me then?
Will I get a swat on my bottom
And told "Behave"?
Or will I get my ear tweaked ?
Or be told to stand in a corner,
And given Time Out??
Noises or Voices
I was asked the other day...why is your blog called Noises, and not Voices in My Head...
Well, the voice is always mine. I haven't so far heard any one else's there. But there is so much going on in there that a car mechanic's workshop would be a quieter, saner place. Questions..Arguments, Ping Pong Debates, A spirited discussion, are all generated within the self and go about ,without intruding in my normal life. They are a part of me.
But there are those other external noises which intrude and bang - bang away on the skull
A clip clop clatter...of heels, the pattering on keyboards , the incessant ringing of telephones, the non-stop talking of people around me, and oh..the horrendous multi-toned jangling and ringing of cell-phones (oh please, people, haven't you heard of the word "Melody"? Why do you have to take up the latest of Himesh Reshammiya's or Mika's nasal twangs and leave us all gasping for breath each time your wifey, kiddo, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, distant cousin and the third removed call??)
Why do those noises poke into my own and create a ruckus..a cacophony, which I cannot bind in, which needs to be let out and released? All those pieces of my mind which if not let out, will not leave me with an iota of peace within?
Well, the voice is always mine. I haven't so far heard any one else's there. But there is so much going on in there that a car mechanic's workshop would be a quieter, saner place. Questions..Arguments, Ping Pong Debates, A spirited discussion, are all generated within the self and go about ,without intruding in my normal life. They are a part of me.
But there are those other external noises which intrude and bang - bang away on the skull
A clip clop clatter...of heels, the pattering on keyboards , the incessant ringing of telephones, the non-stop talking of people around me, and oh..the horrendous multi-toned jangling and ringing of cell-phones (oh please, people, haven't you heard of the word "Melody"? Why do you have to take up the latest of Himesh Reshammiya's or Mika's nasal twangs and leave us all gasping for breath each time your wifey, kiddo, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, distant cousin and the third removed call??)
Why do those noises poke into my own and create a ruckus..a cacophony, which I cannot bind in, which needs to be let out and released? All those pieces of my mind which if not let out, will not leave me with an iota of peace within?
Friday, 4 December 2009
Totally Addicted
And no sight of reprieve.
Hic!! Hic!!! Hrrrrraaa!!!
Bottomless Bottle
Bachhus' Jug
Who are you?
Hic!! Hic!!! Hrrrrraaa!!!
Bottomless Bottle
Bachhus' Jug
Who are you?
Chocolate Icecream
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
नया चेहरा

आज से अपने चेहरे पर नया चेहरा चढ़ा लेते हैं
अपने ख्यालों को उसके पीछे छुपा लेते हैं
अपने ही कभी कहते हैं हमें
आपका चेहरा बहुत बोलता है
हँस के कहते हैं हम
की हम भी कहाँ कम बोलते हैं
जो नज़रें हमारी बहुत कुछ कह जाती हैं
उन आँखों पर परदे चढ़ा लेते हैं
चुप्पी में जो ताले यहाँ वहां खुले थे
उन लफ़्ज़ों पर ताले लौटा देते हैं ।
जो वाकिफ हैं हमसे
बिना बोल समझ लेते हैं
बाकियों से क्या, बोलें न बोलें
इसीलिए, यह चेहरे के परदे
अब अपने लफ़्ज़ों पर भी चढ़ा देते हैं ।
चुप्पी का दायरा कभी भी नहीं था
पर लफ़्ज़ों का कहा अब बंद कर देते हैं
ख्यालों में भी कब कम ही कहा हमने
पर नजरों में वे ख्याल अब लाते नहीं हैं
अपनी चुप्पी से हम कुछ जताते नहीं हैं ।
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