Saturday, 6 June 2009

Looks and Beyond

Some very ordinary people...are blessed with such beautiful hearts.
They make the world worth living in.
And some people blessed like Adonis's descendants..
Have Satan hidden in them.

Why is it then, that people still look and judge?

And why do we flip a bolt when we see..
An ordinary human being,
But with a halo, a shine within?
Why do we think that beauty will come
Packaged better?
Can not God's Gift Packaging Staff
Be on leave sometimes?
And stupendous gifts
Be simply wrapped?
Without much ado?

Rambling again.....

1 comment:

ShantanuDas said...

Adonis's descendants..
Have Satan hidden in them.

-- This reminds me of that saying
those who have a beautiful geography will always have a bad history!!