Now me and Romance...
Are things both far apart and immensely close.
There are times...
When I feel romantic...
Heh Heh
And feel like writing long verses
And sing paeans to the Love God
And immediately,
The Wicked, Naughty One in Me..
Gives me one kick
In you know where
And says...
Hellooooo. Wake up Sweetie..
Romance is for the birds
And the cows...
And the Bees..
But you too Brutus
Falling Prey??
And I laugh and shrug off the feeling.
Somewhere this feeling stays
Of someone somewhere,
Someone..out there
Who will be....
Whom I have looked for....
Forever it seems...
A soul that completes mine
A look that reflects mine
What I am, the other Half.
Of the Pendant...I carry...
In my heart.
A peace that reflects
From within
A voice that speaks
Without speaking
A look that tells
Without looking
A feeling , a touch
Without actually touching.
An ache that stays
But within...
And then come the calls...
Mamaaaaa...she hit me...
No she did it first!!!
And the thought
And Shatters....
Ends up Being
my Romantic Dreams!!
oh dont despair, i have found it with three very young ones trailing behind me, and he loves the song they sing to me, at me..."Mama I want, Mama I need, Look Mama..." in his words he "adores" them and the love i feel for him is reflected back at me. I believe in true love for me and for YOU.
ohhh!! that is why you were smiling that day!!
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