Saturday, 10 September 2011

Diary or Dairy?

My blog is becoming my Diary wherein all my thoughts are penned. Private or otherwise.
Or is it becoming my Dairy.. where I milk my brain and collect my bucolic ideas?

Monday, 5 September 2011


न ही बोलें लोग तो अच्छा है
न ही बोलें लोग तो अच्छा है
झूठ से
झूठमूठ की बनावटी मीठी बातों से
नफरत है हमें।

क्या छिपाना होता है,  जो झूठ का सहारा लेना पड़ता है?
झूठ के पाँव नहीं होते। 
और मुंह मे राम बगल मे छूरी .... अब बस !! 
और सहन कर सकते नहीं। 

Monday, 25 July 2011


Do not mourn the dead... they live on within you.
Do not mourn the ones, who moved on in life.
Do not mourn the friends, who no longer are a part.
Revel in their being.
They may not come back.
But a part of them, now lives within you.


"यहाँ पर चापलूसों और घूसखोरों का आना मना  है"

मेरी टेबल के ऊपर लगा बोर्ड यह कहता है.

Thursday, 7 July 2011


I have this inherent knack to ask questions
For which
a) Answers are not forthcoming
b) Answers are not politically correct
c) Responder does not deem to respond.

When will i learn to keep my lips sealed?

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

The Missing Ed!

This friend of mine called Ed
Has disappeared and i see red
You see he had a hold on me
And kept me from all baloney
As he is gone.. i'm going mad
And you can see, a wee bit sad
He keeps me sane and happy
And not idiotic and flappy.
As he is gone i am all stuck
Have run out of writer's luck
I cannot rhyme, I cannot verse
I cannot sing a tune adverse
I think i can no longer write
In my tongue, for all my might

So dear Ed, wherever are you
Come back soon.. a poem's due
And let me write my verse in peace
And drum up my old expertise
Come back soon so i may write
And spare me this sorry plight!!
Oh yes  let this be said
His first name's Brain
The middle Heart.
Brain Heart Ed, that's all.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Medical Kit & A Plumber's Tools

Next time,  i decide to fall in love,
I am going to keep these with me.

God knows... i keep needing them with great regularity !

Thursday, 2 June 2011

बड़े होना

खा रहे थे हम दोनों
बर्फ मलाई
अरे वही... अपनी आइसक्रीम .. और क्या
खाते खाते .. कुछ शरारत थी सूझी
हमें भी और तुम्हें भी.
तुमने अपनी orange  बार
झाटक से मेरी स्कूल शर्ट में डाली
और भाग खड़ी हुईं.

और मैंने... अपनी orange बार
उठा तुम्हारी शर्ट पर लिखा- ११ 
वही,  तुम्हारा नंबर
स्कूल टीम की टीशर्ट पर जो था.
दोनों कि कमीजें
बचपन के रंग में
दोस्ती के रंग में
उस Orange बार के रंग में
रंग नारंगी हो गयीं.
और हम
भागते हुए..हँसते हँसते घर पहुंचे.

माँ ने एक नज़र हम पर डाली,
और एक शर्ट पर..
लगाई हुड़क कर डांट
उफ़ इतनी घोड़ी हो गयी हो..
बचपन गया ही नहीं...
माँ क्या कहूं...
आज भी वैसी हूँ...
बचपन इतना हसीं था
कि ज़हन से जाता ही नहीं..
कहीं छिप कर रहता है..
और बीच बीच में...
बिन बताये,
आ जाता है..
पल दो पल को..
झलक दिखला ...भाग खड़ा होता है.
फिर बता जाता है
कि शायद बदली तो हूँ
पर कहीं बदली नहीं हूँ
कभी-कभी अपना वो बचपन
अपने बच्चों के बचपन
में दिख जाता है...

कई बार सोचती हूँ मां..
कि क्या ज़रूरी था
बड़े होना!!
पर जीवन का दौर ऐसा
हाँ... शायद ज़रूरी था
बड़े होना.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

चावल के दाने

चावल के दाने ...
शायद खुदा ने.. मोती दे दिए
स्वाद भरे, सेहत भरे.

छिपे हुए मोती,
खुरदुरे से खाल में
जिसे छील छील
हाथों में छाले पड़ जाएँ
और .. बीनते बीनते..
उँगलियों में दरारें

पर क्या ही यथार्थ है
कि जिन हाथों को
यह मेहनत नसीब होती है
हमारे देश में ..
उन्हें ही इन दानों के लिए
और न जाने क्या क्या
पापड़ बेलने पड़ते हैं!!

और हाँ, पापड पर याद आया..
सूखी रोटी और मिर्च प्याज़ से
गुज़ारा करने वाले हाथ
पापड़ बनाते तो हैं
पर खा पाने का चाव
पता नहीं ... कब नसीब से नसीब में आये.

और कहते हैं.. देश तरक्की पर है..
कुछ कोने.. कुछ सडकें, कुछ घर
पर झोपड़ियाँ, खपरैल, खेत खलिहान
शायद वहीँ के वहीँ.... सूखे... दरारों वाले!
यह इस बढ़ते हुए देश की विडम्बना है.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Where was i? And Where am i ?

No clue. Seem to have lost myself. God Knows Where!
Still searching.
For anyone , who finds me, let me know.
Mind lost.
Thought meandering.
The being...grudgingly trudging. Plod....Plod....Plod! i remember. Summer's Here!! Grrr!!!

Sunday, 17 April 2011

The Chicken and The Egg

Who came first....
The tortoise won the race.
The early worm got caught by the early bird.
No one had the time to sow. So there was not a thing to reap.
In a world fulll of people who rush about, harried and any of the adages we heard in our growing up years, hold any value?

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Punctuation Marks

Life has so many commas,
Dots...,  dashes -,
Hyphens, semi-colons; colons: 
"Inverted commas"
Exclamation Marks!
Question Marks?

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Love and Marriage

So many years of married life..
Am sure there is a lot of love ..
Under the pillow..
In the nooks and crannies of my house..
Where i have forgotten to look.
There is lots of love
Floating all around
In our attitudes
In our approach
To each other.
There is a lot of love
In the home that we built
Step by step
Brick by brick
Year over year
Which has to be
Watered and Pruned
and tended to

As with other things
We now are accustomed
To see each other
To talk to each other
To know each other
To hide from each other
To face each other
As and when we need to
As and when we feel like
As and when "time permits"
As and when!!

In this "As and When"
and "Whenever"
We have forgotten
The "Here and Now"
That was so there

Not my ditty (but oh it is!) ... but of another lady, even more witty!

Monday, 28 February 2011


ज सुबह-सुबह...
सूरज ने हमसे कहा
आओ खेलो...
हमने उसकी ओर देखा
और कहा... खेलें क्या
कहता है...
इतनी सारी किरणों की 
रस्सियाँ फेंक रहा हूँ
खेलती क्यों नहीं..
भुला गयी हो क्या
बचपन के खेल..

हम रुके
कुछ याद कर
और वहीँ
रस्सी-कूद का खेल
सूरज के साथ
खेल कर आये!

सूरज आज...
हमें अपना दोस्त बना गया!
एक हलकी सी आवाज़ दे
बचपन की याद दिला गया!

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Acts of Faith

I could give my All
When I trust
but Trust is something..
No longer in my Vault.

I could go ,
Look high and wide
Search each nook and cranny
As you tell me to.
But how do i find it now
But where do i find it now?
An odd Question
For, trust..
Is no longer sold
And hasn't ever been sold
In the flowershop across the road.

I could turn some pages
Go back in History
To be what i was before
Perhaps look around  me and
Not care anymore
But tell me something
The Wise One that you are
Doesn't Faith have
An Expiry Date Dear?

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Extra Marital

Or Extra Martial?

Seems much the same!



इन सब में पड़ना...
बहुत बड़ा सरदर्द.
बाहर से देखें.
"खतरा" "सावधान"
"Approach at your Own Risk."
सब लिखा तो हुआ है.

हाय रे मूरख इंसान!
पढ़-लिख गया ..
पर समझा नहीं !

Monday, 21 February 2011


People love to keep Secrets.

Why do they hide?
What do they hide?

No Comprende!!

Thursday, 17 February 2011



At a loss for more words.

Monday, 14 February 2011

An Old Love Story

I have a standing love... who is always present.
Yes..right... my love for food.

Food Consumes Me.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

यह लाल रंग

मुझे इस लाल रंग से प्यार है।

और भी कई रंगों से प्यार है॥
पर यह प्यार का रंग...
इससे उन बाकी सब रंगों से
कहीं कहीं कहीं.... ज्यादा प्यार है... ।

मुझे.....इस लाल रंग से प्यार है !

Monday, 31 January 2011


Was a dry month!
No wine to keep me going and rambling!
No fuel... No go!
Policy Decision.

Why I Keep My Trap Shut!

No!! No!!!... No one pestered me to do that!
I am a one track person....
I can either think or speak at a time.
Whenever i have tried to do both together in the past, I end up giving my favorite syndrome some more add to the long list of OH THOSE ONES that i have in my repertoire.

What Syndrome did you say??
The quite simple, but equally galling - Foot in the Mouth Syndrome.
Ask my friends and family. I am a Serial Offender!

Not that this l-o-n-g silence means I was thinking.... not a bit...
Was just gallivanting around town... getting harried and worked up about things which do not concern me. Busybody that i am.. and what do children say to that..."Nosy Parker"?

Monday, 10 January 2011

The Art of Asking

Never Ask for More than The Other is Willing to Give.

Some thoughts on the Why question to the above statement -
1. The other cares a hoot about how much and how little you want!
2. If a giver is unable to give, you are undermining his/her superiority. Since you are the seeker, give him/her the pride to be the Giver.
3. Ask for it as a favour...and not as a right. Remember rule no. 2.

Now that i have finished my preaching for the day...let me get on to other worldly matters :)