Friday, 30 October 2009


If you put your money in a bank or bonds, bullion or real estate,
where do you put your Life Energy Savings?
Do we have Life Bonds or what???
Where's my Banker?

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Emotions Suck!!

Ha Ha

Let me get out of here !!

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Oh God..

We have a Monkey God,
A Serpent God
A God who dances on Corpses
A Goddess who rides a Lion
A Goddess who rides a Swan
A God who rides a Mouse
A Bull close to God
A God who rides on a Cock
A God whose seat is on a coiled Serpent
And another, who wears them around his neck
A God who stuck the moon in His hair
And A River, and lots of Ash
A God who carried a Mountain on his little finger

And we have these modern Gods
Who come into power
With Greed, Avarice, and Corruption
And Take over our country without
A slice of a thought and even lesser action
And thousands of this teeming population
Who live
Without a care
Just Daring to Live
In this mad mad country.

The world is nowadays awestruck by us...
No Wonder...
With so much poppycock flowing around
Why wouldn't it
We still seem to be stuck
In Mythology and Fairytale
And Baloney
No one can save us...
Oh God!!
Not even You.
I Hope You Do..
For we seem to have lost all interest
And Faith in ourselves
To right the balance.

Friday, 23 October 2009

I Love You !!

Why are these the three most difficult words ever, to be said?
They seem to stick in the throat like sawdust...
And even a sip of water doesn't seem to be able to get them out.
Will Cognac do what Water can't??
Just Speculating!!

Thursday, 22 October 2009

An Empty Vessel makes much Noise

So what does an empty mind do?
Spew more on the blog?

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

When a Smile is not a Smile

She smiled at me...
And I looked back and smiled...
There was something which pricked..
Like a thorn
She smiled
But yet, did not
A mechanical smile
Which held no meaning
Maybe she did it out of conditioning
She smiled..
I looked again and
Nothing..but nothing
Travelled from her to me
Not an iota of greeting
Nor a miniscule ray of happiness
Nor a shred of bonding
Yet, I know her
Do I know her physical self
Is it worth knowing that body
When I know nothing of the heart,
The mind, the soul?
Good people keep telling me
There are not all you will know
And not all are worth knowing
And those who are
Will be there, are there
Who will know you too
so do not fret
For you will find them
Or they will find you
Such is the way of The Lord
And of Mother Nature.

But the thinking mind
Feels hurt and sad
That even when you walk together
Many a times
You are not together
You are walking
Two separate paths
Traversing different routes
To reach different destinations
The Enlightened Mind
Which sometimes makes a presence
Feels nothing
And just calmly watches
It knows well within
That she was not meant
To be someone
I knew
And someone
Who knew me
And it was perhaps
Just as well
And for Good!!

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

ज़िन्दगी के निशाँ

दूर बैठ कर देखा हमनें...
पर दूरियां इतनी थीं कि कुछ कहना लाज़मी न था ।

उस दिन तुमने रेत पर हमारा नाम लिखा
और फिर कई पल एकटक उसे देखते रहे
कुछ देर सागर की लहरों से खेलते रहे
वापस आते वक्त उसी लिखे हुए नाम
के पास से हो कर तुम गुज़रे
रेत पर अपने पांवो के निशाँ छोड़
और फिर उसकी ओर देख,
न जाने क्या सोच मुस्कुराये..
रेत में कुरेदा हुआ वो नाम
हमारा ही तो था
पर न जाने क्यों उस वक्त
यूँ लगा कि उस पर
तुम्हारा हक हो ।

बस यूँ थोडी सी देर ही तो हुई
ज़ोर से इक पानी का रेला आया
और बहा ले गया वो नाम
और मिला दिया उसे,
तुम्हारे क़दमों के निशानों से ,
रेत फिर कुछ देर में
पानी सोख
वैसी कि वैसी हो गई
जैसे वहां कभी कुछ था ही नहीं
और शायद था भी नहीं
जो था,
वो सिर्फ़ ख्यालों का
कोई लम्हा रहा होगा।

दूर बैठ कर देखा हमनें...
पर दूरियां इतनी थीं कि कुछ कहना लाज़मी न था ।

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Wrong Notions! And Fairly Fairy Tales

Why do we women.. ok ..girls...
feed ourselves with utterly idiotic escapist ideas of love...
of the Mills and Boon, Barbara Cartland and the etc. types?
Why aren't we given realistic ideas, so that we are prepared..
For the Bitter and The Worse?

Thursday, 8 October 2009

समझे नहीं, पर फिर भी समझते हैं

रिश्तों के गुत्थम गुत्थे
क्यों इतने पेचीदे होते हैं
यूँ ऊपर से नीचे और
नीचे से ऊपर जाते हैं
दायें से बायें
और बायें से दाएं जाते हैं
आगे से पीछे
और पीछे से आगे आते हैं
और हम...
ऊन और बिल्ली
की तरह
उनमें उलझ जाते हैं

यह बातें हम आज तक समझे नहीं
पर कहीं दिमाग और दिल में
जंग हो रही है
एक कहता है
समझ गया!!
और दूसरा
क्या...क्या समझें!!

बस... एक और कशमकश और हम
क्या और कहाँ कहाँ लड़ें
बस...छोड़ दिया!!

An Old Friend

I met an old old friend the other day.
and came back feeling as if a salve had been applied on my bruised soul...
as if I just got a warm hug...
from my Mom

Felt healed, loved, cherished.
We should all have such sanctuaries.....
wherein we can go...and get reborn!!
Thank you! (I know she will not read this..but I must say this)