Wednesday, 21 October 2009

When a Smile is not a Smile

She smiled at me...
And I looked back and smiled...
There was something which pricked..
Like a thorn
She smiled
But yet, did not
A mechanical smile
Which held no meaning
Maybe she did it out of conditioning
She smiled..
I looked again and
Nothing..but nothing
Travelled from her to me
Not an iota of greeting
Nor a miniscule ray of happiness
Nor a shred of bonding
Yet, I know her
Do I know her physical self
Is it worth knowing that body
When I know nothing of the heart,
The mind, the soul?
Good people keep telling me
There are not all you will know
And not all are worth knowing
And those who are
Will be there, are there
Who will know you too
so do not fret
For you will find them
Or they will find you
Such is the way of The Lord
And of Mother Nature.

But the thinking mind
Feels hurt and sad
That even when you walk together
Many a times
You are not together
You are walking
Two separate paths
Traversing different routes
To reach different destinations
The Enlightened Mind
Which sometimes makes a presence
Feels nothing
And just calmly watches
It knows well within
That she was not meant
To be someone
I knew
And someone
Who knew me
And it was perhaps
Just as well
And for Good!!

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