Handy tool. To keep some conversation out of the loop of being posted on the net.
Was thinking...or rather , talking to myself (yes, again!!) why don't we have something like this in life too.... Comment/Situation/Happening/Occurence/Snafus/Goof-ups/Break-ups/Fisticuffs/And There Goes My Foot Again (in my mouth) et all Moderation???
Some of them, I could definitely, oh yes, DEFINITELY DEFINITELY posted on my Lifesite/Lifespot especially the fisticuffs and the Snafus. Definitely. Hilariously so.
And There Goes..... incidents...errr accidents actually, would have been previewed and then mostly deleted and some published. Would have had such a PURRRRRRFECT Picture of myself. Not this image of a mentally derelict, pulchritude spewing, pun shedding , madcap that I portray.
Who the dickens bothers about that. Obviously, oh obviously, the objects of my expletive missiles and barbs would definitely have been posted into history happier and in love with me (yuk!!). And many of my collegemates would definitely be resting in their airconditioned, kurloned, styrofoamed cupped office cum restoftheirlife existence( grave existence) very smug about how nice they were and how floored I was with their magnetism and charisma !!!
And I would be singing BA BA BLACK SHEEP...In their dreams!!!
And I could do a painful moment moderation and a breakup moment moderation...HEY Did I have a breakup moment? Yessir, when I decided to say goodbye....to chocolates (with no success). Was there a boyfriend...crush etc etc...yes, but always so one sided that the guy had nooooo inkling. Idiot me... Would have had a great time chaffing coffees and idlis (you guessed it right, could not afford anything more than that ...not me, but the guy). I sure scared the daylights out of all my classmates, with my hockey weilding, WWF loving attitude. My loss, their gain. And No Regret Moderation needed here.
Really true.. moderation is needed in life too.. Imagine me saying something.. words leave my mouth and hang in mid-air frozen and then someone..comes and taps at the words.. to make them fall off one by one.. tak tak.. keeping the ones that are ok..
but hmm who will do the moderation? the one whom my words are targeted at?
Oh that was that if there was something to happen in life, we should have a comment posted on the mind's radar. So that we may edit/post onto life.
What a super scenario.
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