My friends.
For being there
For being idiotic
For being mad
For being rude
For being...
And for the numerous put me downs
And thwaks given by all of you over time.
And I am glad.
I hate you
I love you
But not the least
I cannot live without you.
My poison
And my nectar
Stay around
All of you
I wish for forever.
Do your friends know this? or you are only talking to yourself? Hope they are seeing...
One saw :)
I wonder though. If others see.
People are busy you know.
Blogging is not for everybody.. most people are offline people..
Those who come here come for either making friends (roughly less than 30 yrs age grp) or sharing thoughts [30-45 age group) or just a habit (50 plus) broadly.
Of course one can have many other reasons and the above reasons need not be age group wise.. they can cross over....
but u understand what I mean..
I had once written why we blog.. it is here
Thank you.
It is great to have a friend like you. We definitely can take out time for you.
I like your blog, you really seem to be hitting the target, bang on. Your words are painting a lot of pictures and also seem to be simulating a lot of thoughts in my own head.
check out Shantanu Das's earlier comment...and the it is here.
Go ahead.
Form a blog
And scribble.
I am still learning. Finally figured out slideshow
Learn Learn...!!
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