Sunday, 26 April 2009

Comment Moderation

Handy tool. To keep some conversation out of the loop of being posted on the net.

Was thinking...or rather , talking to myself (yes, again!!) why don't we have something like this in life too.... Comment/Situation/Happening/Occurence/Snafus/Goof-ups/Break-ups/Fisticuffs/And There Goes My Foot Again (in my mouth) et all Moderation???

Some of them, I could definitely, oh yes, DEFINITELY DEFINITELY posted on my Lifesite/Lifespot especially the fisticuffs and the Snafus. Definitely. Hilariously so.

And There Goes..... incidents...errr accidents actually, would have been previewed and then mostly deleted and some published. Would have had such a PURRRRRRFECT Picture of myself. Not this image of a mentally derelict, pulchritude spewing, pun shedding , madcap that I portray.

Who the dickens bothers about that. Obviously, oh obviously, the objects of my expletive missiles and barbs would definitely have been posted into history happier and in love with me (yuk!!). And many of my collegemates would definitely be resting in their airconditioned, kurloned, styrofoamed cupped office cum restoftheirlife existence( grave existence) very smug about how nice they were and how floored I was with their magnetism and charisma !!!
And I would be singing BA BA BLACK SHEEP...In their dreams!!!

And I could do a painful moment moderation and a breakup moment moderation...HEY Did I have a breakup moment? Yessir, when I decided to say chocolates (with no success). Was there a boyfriend...crush etc etc...yes, but always so one sided that the guy had nooooo inkling. Idiot me... Would have had a great time chaffing coffees and idlis (you guessed it right, could not afford anything more than that ...not me, but the guy). I sure scared the daylights out of all my classmates, with my hockey weilding, WWF loving attitude. My loss, their gain. And No Regret Moderation needed here.

Friday, 24 April 2009


Some thoughts are like a favourite shawl....I just wrap them around me....and feel content...warm....protected.....loved.
I do not mind the winter then.

Saturday, 18 April 2009

I Love

My friends.
For being there
For being idiotic
For being mad
For being rude
For being...
And for the numerous put me downs
And thwaks given by all of you over time.
And I am glad.
I hate you
I love you
But not the least
I cannot live without you.
My poison
And my nectar
Stay around
All of you

I wish for forever.

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Vaccination Alert

Before you girls decide to promote Boyfriend to HUSBAND, please innoculate him against the HUSBANDATTITUDE contagious VIRUS.

Friday, 10 April 2009

In Continuation...What is love

I have just surmised
Kabhi up, kabhi down
You keep hanging like a clown
Clinging to the bar
Bar bar lagatar
Getting dizzy to the core
Still wanting some more
Top of the world
Then Down in the dumps
I feel it is somewhat
Like Measles or Mumps
You laugh and you cry
On a roller coaster ride
You scream and you shriek
And maango pyar ki bheekh
Kya hai yeh pyaar
Khatta meetha sa aachaar
When you get off the wheel
You feel like a heel
Your head runs away
And your feet are asway.
Arey kya hai yeh pyaar...

Chal pooch ke aayein yaar!!

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Sugar and Spice

Some people are sugar
Some people are salt
Some people are spice

But please, oh please
Can I have them
One at a time
'tis especially good for my diet.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Me the Chicken

When someone throws some chaff at me, I, like the hen, go pecking around looking for some grain in it...Birdbrained twit I am.

Monday, 6 April 2009

A Basket Case

That I am ...much more than a tin case
A leather case or a wooden case

Just a Basket case
With a lot of wild rushes
Entwined and entrailed
Twisted and Turned
Plaited and Twirled
Till I reach a shape
Lots of strings
Lots of knots
Lots and lots of clots

No smooth finishes,
No polished surfaces
No grainy feel
No sense at all
So yes, I am
A Basket Case
An odd shape
Kept in place
By the knots that go around

Who keeps Nicknacks
And Memories
Who keeps Laces
And Smiles
Who keeps Buttons
And Friends
Who keeps Needles
And Feelings

Just a basket
Made of a bit of reed
A bit of creed
A little malleable
A little hard
A penchant to fall
Yet stay in place
And sometimes to fray
And get repaired again

Yeh Hindi Transcript

The Hindi typeface of this blogger..Has set some rules
Don't blog while you talk, Don't blog in a rush
Don't blog when uninterested
Why does it sound like my Mom
Don't talk while you eat, Don't eat in a rush
Don't eat when uninterested
Doesn't it sound like my Mom?

Whenever I talked when I ate,
I chewed my gum or bit my lip
And the moment I get my hands
rushing on the keyboard,
and typing using the Hindi transcript,
All that comes out if it
Surely looks like Chewed up Gum
Sticky, gooey and Messy :(
Concentrate :)

Saturday, 4 April 2009

I quite liked the minimalistic look

so like a change of garb, and season...
getting ready for the summer.


Ok...I get a kick out of picking
on things, people and ......issues....
Nitpicking that is called
or splitting hair.
Well, at this rate,
I will no longer have any hair to pick...
is definitely not something
I look forward to.
God....Save me from myself.
(Actually, after typing in that...I clicked on the SAVE NOW button, and burst out laughing )

मैं ....

कभी-कभी लगता है कि मैं चातक हूँ
बारिश की एक-एक बूँद का इंतज़ार करती हूँ
मुंह उठाए , टकटकी लगा कर
बादलों को देखती रहती हूँ
कि अब तो बरसें
और बारिश की एक बूँद के पड़ते ही
झूम जाती हूँ ।
कभी लगता है कि मैं सारस हूँ
एक टांग पर पानी में खड़े रह कर
तपस्या सी कर रही हूँ
शायद इश्वर की एक झलक तो मिले
और यह इंतज़ार ख़त्म हो ।
कभी लगता है कि मैं रात हूँ,
रोज़ चाँद के आने का इंतज़ार करती हूँ
और जब चाँद आता है ,
तो उसकी चांदनी में भीग जाती हूँ
और सुबह होते ही ,
ओस की एक बूँद बन
कभी फूलों, कभी पत्तों पर
कभी कलियों , कभी घास पर
बिखर जाती हूँ ।
(हैवानियत के बहुत आसार नज़र आते हैं , इंसानियत के कम)
बहुत कम लगता है कि मैं इंसान भी हूँ
जो दूसरो का दर्द देख कर रुक जाती हूँ
और मदद करने के लिए हाथ बढाती हूँ
बहुत कम