Monday, 6 April 2009

A Basket Case

That I am ...much more than a tin case
A leather case or a wooden case

Just a Basket case
With a lot of wild rushes
Entwined and entrailed
Twisted and Turned
Plaited and Twirled
Till I reach a shape
Lots of strings
Lots of knots
Lots and lots of clots

No smooth finishes,
No polished surfaces
No grainy feel
No sense at all
So yes, I am
A Basket Case
An odd shape
Kept in place
By the knots that go around

Who keeps Nicknacks
And Memories
Who keeps Laces
And Smiles
Who keeps Buttons
And Friends
Who keeps Needles
And Feelings

Just a basket
Made of a bit of reed
A bit of creed
A little malleable
A little hard
A penchant to fall
Yet stay in place
And sometimes to fray
And get repaired again


DEV PILLAI said...

I loved the simplicity. Yet profound. Great Simply great

Creativity said...

Great Poem...Wonderful Poem..I really extremely liked the way u ve described with eye catching & heart touching phrases:) Very Very Good:) Excellent:) Keep It up:) Keep Blogging:) U r a Excellent Blogger:)

Medieval Or Modern said...

Thank you guys!!

Unknown said...

I really liked this one.

I am really glad you have found your own space/place to express yourself.

I hope that fresh spring air keeps wafting through your basket.

Way to go !