One for the Smiles
One for the Gains
One for the little Joys
Which visit time and again.
One for the Sorrows
One for the Pains
One for the numerous Cares
That trundle down my lane.
One for all the Love
One for the Hate
One for the Tolerance
One for the Shame.
One for the Anger
One for the Peace
One for the Tears
One for the Trust.
One for the Gratitude
One for the Apologies
One for the Good Things
One for the Banes.
So many envelopes
So much to store..
So much gives one Life
From one to the other end.
So much to remember
So much to recollect
So much to thank for
So much to regret
Much to do still
So much to give
Much to get still
And So much ahead.
Life will keep going on
And envelopes will collect
Many to just give away
Some to just Laugh at
Some from which to Learn.
Ane then there will be THAT ONE DAY!!
hmmm!!! u have gone on writing poems ... many of them as I can see!! Where does the poetry come from?
Nary a clue have I Dear Sir
But old age does addle the brain
What came out as epithets and curses earlier
Just flows out in verse...
old age pickled and tickled by being too much in front of the PC i guess!! lol!
Poetry where i seat me fat self the whole day, cursing the AC's blast on my head is the last that can occur to me. But the surroundings..ample greenery in this parched city, the birds chattering around in the evenings, hopping around when the water sprinklers come to life..the setting sun, the burst of colour in the flowers. You know the setting. Just make me see the world afresh.
hmm.. pata hain...
but I did not mention...
it however you did.. andddd on thissss I have no comments to add as of now... ..
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