लोग प्यार करते हैं, कुछ पाने के लिए
या प्यार करते हैं, कुछ खोने के लिए :)
Why do we fall in love...is it a pit or a valley or a black hole?
And when we move out of that love,
do we still fall out,
as in descending
or we rise out of it,
as in ascending?
Why does it sound like
we are shifting houses or something?
And when I visualise it..
I see a person being thrown out,
like a projectile,
or a missile
or maybe an expletive....
so is it so bad to fall OUT of love?
And if it is falling, then do we need to....
fall in love, I mean??
English is definitely a PHUNNY language... Muddles my mind, it does!!