Saturday, 19 September 2009

Why do we fall in and out of love ?

लोग प्यार करते हैं, कुछ पाने के लिए
या प्यार करते हैं, कुछ खोने के लिए :)

Why do we fall in it a pit or a valley or a black hole?

And when we move out of that love,
do we still fall out,
as in descending
or we rise out of it,
as in ascending?
Why does it sound like
we are shifting houses or something?
And when I visualise it..
I see a person being thrown out,
like a projectile,
or a missile
or maybe an expletive....
so is it so bad to fall OUT of love?

And if it is falling, then do we need to....
fall in love, I mean??

English is definitely a PHUNNY language... Muddles my mind, it does!!

Saturday, 12 September 2009

I Think, Therefore I Am!

Can there be a meter which checks the thoughts that flow around a person?
Take me for example, at a certain point of time, there are so many of them flowing around me, that, had I been a cartoon character, there would be less of me, and more of the blurbs floating around my cartoonised character ( not very difficult, just draw a two circles, and two WWF style arms, and two fat chicken legs... hee hee !)
Why can I not think of just one topic at a given point of time?
Why do myriad, unconnected thoughts and conversations keep happening at the same time?
Why do I then have to sit back, later, and untangle them, to get a sane thread?
Is it just me, or this happens to others too? Or I am just plain, stark, raving mad, or reaching there?
Again, I wonder!


Where art thou, O where art thou??

I searched high, I searched low
'n gathered sweat 'pon my brow
I turned the town, upside down
And went to every store uptown
But never a pat was to be seen
Of Amul-Britannia or in between
My breakfast table does complain
Not seeing that nice golden strain
The Toast looks dry and barren too
With Nescafe or that cup of Bru
Eggs do not seem just the same
The fruit can just have no name
Oh where art thou, o where art thou
Do come back, do, My love so true
Oh.. just some spoons or just a gram
And free me from this horrid Jam!!

Thursday, 10 September 2009


The City just came to a BIG FULL STOP.
Rain....Rain.... Rain
Water Logging...
Roads missing....
Loads and Loads of Cars..
Stuck in the Jam...

Thank the Lord for FM radio....

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

प्यार, आज, कल, या हमेशा से?

आज दिन भर एक अच्छा काम किया
किसी को जी-भर तसल्ली से याद किया
एक-एक पल उनके ख्याल बुने
एक-एक पल उधेड़े
फिर बुने, फिर उधेड़े
यह करते करते अनायास ही तागों से उलझ पड़े
अपने ही आप पर बरस पड़े
फिर मनाने की खातिर बिखर पड़े
तब जाना कि किस हद को पार कर आए हैं ।

अब और अच्छा सा कम कर रहे हैं
जो एक एक कर
उनका नाम ले
ख्यालों को सुलझा रहे हैं
अपने आप को फिर अपना बना रहे हैं।

ये जानते हैं , कि कुछ दिनों बाद
फिर उस मोड़ पर जायेंगे...
उन्हें याद करेंगे
और लौट आएंगे॥

Sunday, 6 September 2009

The Candy Shop

Ever seen a kid outside a candy shop
with his nose glued to the glass pane
At times, i feel i am him,
i can look,
i can ogle,
i can drool..
but can never have :D

Ah!! the vagaries of old age!!!

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Mid-Life Crisis

What? Why?
No clue...someone just used THE am wondering!!