Monday, 30 March 2009
Odd time of the year ..Odd showers
Odd thunderstorm Odd ...
But wow...
Good mood; Good Breeze
Good snapshots & The world seems allright
Like the firebrigade put out the fire...
And phsst....
The bloated tyre of stifling mind numbing heat
Deflated and life came back to normal
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Where is my funny bone
Friday, 27 March 2009
Everything, Nothing and In Between

Kyon ..

क्यों रोज़ सूरज निकलता हैं
क्यों दिन होता है
क्यों शाम होती है
क्यों चाँद निकलता है
क्यों रात होती है
क्यों क्यों ?
क्यों हवा चलती है
क्यों फूल खिलते हैं
क्यों आम पीला है
क्यों गगन नीला है
क्यों पानी बहता हैं
क्यों पर्वत बैठा है
क्यों क्यों ?
क्यों दोस्त मिलते हैं
क्यों दोस्त बिछड़ते हैं
क्यों मीत बदलते हैं
क्यों पतझड़ होता है
क्यों आँसू झरते हैं
क्यों मौसम बदलते हैं
क्यों वक्त बदलता है
क्यों उम्मीदें बनती हैं
क्यों फूल फिर खिल जाते हैं
क्यों नए दोस्त मिल जाते हैं
क्यों क्यों ??
क्यों ...
बचपन से आज तक
एक यह क्यों है जो बदला नहीं है
मौसम आए , मौसम गए
लेकिन यह क्यों
ज्यों का त्यों वहीँ खड़ा है
क्यों ?
और अब उसके और भी संगी-साथी हैं
कब, कहाँ, कौन, किधर और कैसे
जो अब उसके पास खड़े रह कर
मुहँ ताकते हैं
जैसे पूछ रहे हों
चिढा रहे हों
क्यों ?
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Friday, 20 March 2009

That there is so much to do in life, and so much to achieve, that I have a tall order to fulfil.
More than that I am suddenly taken up by the thought that there are so many things I have to be thankful about. That over these many years, there are so many good deeds done to me by numerous people, and those deeds have changed me, and changed the surroundings around me. That I have to pass that on, to others, who may carry that forward. I can thank some people who are around, and am sure, they wonder whatever is wrong with me, that I keep thanking them about. But, there are many others, who have passed me by, on the way to greater and better things, and have just left an indelible mark....they also are to be thanked. But how do I do that? The only way I can repay them, is to pass on that good deed to some other person, who may need it now, in the hope that this chain continues..... and grows as it goes along.
I am also obsessed with the thought that I have an obligation to give back to the society what I have taken, willy nilly, over the years. I am wondering what can I do.....
I never thought that someday, I too will die. But the truth is that ...what comes, must go. Sooner or later.....
Monday, 16 March 2009
Friends, Acquaintances and Passerby's
Does it not surprise you that when you meet some people from your past, you find them different. What is it actually, are they different? Or have you changed? It got me thinking. And wondering.
What is it that forms a connect? And what is it that breaks it? Why is it that the vibes continue to be great even after eons? And why sometimes, when you meet someone, there is no spark, no magnetic attraction, no ..what do you say...chemistry?
Most of us agree that the best friends we have are those who have continued from your childhood days. Chuddi-buddies or something like that ? I find that there is still that certain set of friends who still keep in touch with me....and when I talk to them whether today, or after eternity, they still connect on the same level, irrespective of what we have become, and where we have come...professionally or personally. It does not matter that you have put on the kilos...and have wrinkles and hair that today is more salt than pepper. I meet them after years... and it takes not more than a second to be Me with them, and I am sure they are just them... not Ma or Pa, nor the wife...nor the husband, not the Vice President or Director or whatever. What binds you is that the bonds then made were not made for a reason or a favour, nor were those bonds just the flavour of the season. There are no expectations of such friends. They are there, because of the immense faith and trust you have between you. The knowledge that they are the ones who will connect with you, forever. And the knowledge, that a part of them will stay on within you ...wherever you go.
Over time, you meet a lot of people. And as you move ahead in life, you do find some friends. But the frequency decreases. And in a country like ours, I think it gets restricted all the more for women..once they are married. They disconnect...with their past, or make peace with their present and get on. Friends fall on the way. Why .... Miss a couple of those friends even now. But then, they are very content at the phase of life they are in. So how can I grudge them that happiness?
It is also strange how some people come and go, and make no impact on you. They leave you with no mark.. no sign of having passed through your life. Those are the passerby's . Who came, walked a few steps together and was the norm, moved on. On the other hand, some people come as strangers, and immediately, you find a spark, a call, a magnetic pull dragging you towards that person. There has to be some scientific explanation to all this. There may be no great looks, no great physique, no great wealth, no common meeting ground between you two, but somehow you connect. I wonder which physics could explain this. Should fate or chance make you move away from each other, but somewhere within, you carry that person. It will take me a lot of introspection to arrive at understanding this phenomenon.
What strikes me as common in both the scenarios is the absolute faith we put in these relationships...these friendships. What binds or connects is FAITH. TRUST. The implicit knowledge that you are safe with such friends, that your secrets are safe, you are cherished and understood, that should you ever think of doing something wrong, the friend will be your conscience. Let me introspect, maybe I can find something more.......
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