All of a sudden, I am gripped with the thought that time is short.... too short.
That there is so much to do in life, and so much to achieve, that I have a tall order to fulfil.
More than that I am suddenly taken up by the thought that there are so many things I have to be thankful about. That over these many years, there are so many good deeds done to me by numerous people, and those deeds have changed me, and changed the surroundings around me. That I have to pass that on, to others, who may carry that forward. I can thank some people who are around, and am sure, they wonder whatever is wrong with me, that I keep thanking them about. But, there are many others, who have passed me by, on the way to greater and better things, and have just left an indelible mark....they also are to be thanked. But how do I do that? The only way I can repay them, is to pass on that good deed to some other person, who may need it now, in the hope that this chain continues..... and grows as it goes along.
I am also obsessed with the thought that I have an obligation to give back to the society what I have taken, willy nilly, over the years. I am wondering what can I do.....
I never thought that someday, I too will die. But the truth is that ...what comes, must go. Sooner or later.....
Forget the obligation to society!
Just do not take anything away from society.. that will suffice..
We are ALL social parasites.
You are getting Old!! Haha!! that is it!!
I know because I am older!! I get these feelings too!!
Arrey forget these !! and RAPE THE WORLD!!
Old ...Naaah no way :)
Just the loss of a dear one makes you realise the momentariness of your being :(
ohh ohh.. hmm true!
anybody recently?
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