What is this...this restlessness,
which wants me to get up and go
search for a dream, look out and see
a thousand myriad colours, a rainbow,
water flow under a bridge,
the flowers bloom, the sun rise,
butterflies zoom and
which wants me to get up and go
search for a dream, look out and see
a thousand myriad colours, a rainbow,
water flow under a bridge,
the flowers bloom, the sun rise,
butterflies zoom and
the world at large, lazily rumble by .
What is it...
That tells me to let go and just be,
that tells me that somethings finally,
are just meant to be,
some words are just meant to be heard,
and not reacted upon,
some thoughts are meant to come,
and change you somehow..
What is this...
this soul searching, this search for nirvana
this restlessness, which just does not let me be
Why at this stage, I search
not for wealth, not for a car
but for peace,
not for a party
but for the company of friends
not for noise, but companiable silence
not for a great passion
but for a great emotional bonding
not for a great passionate love affair
But ...spirituality
For peace, for solitude, for happiness
What is it...
That tells me to let go and just be,
that tells me that somethings finally,
are just meant to be,
some words are just meant to be heard,
and not reacted upon,
some thoughts are meant to come,
and change you somehow..
What is this...
this soul searching, this search for nirvana
this restlessness, which just does not let me be
Why at this stage, I search
not for wealth, not for a car
but for peace,
not for a party
but for the company of friends
not for noise, but companiable silence
not for a great passion
but for a great emotional bonding
not for a great passionate love affair
But ...spirituality
For peace, for solitude, for happiness
I think you should go back to WTC.. then the daily driving up and down will make you forget your Poetry! Where is this poetry coming from nowadays? ehhh??
this is exactly my state of mind right now...nice!!!
Thanks... to the random one in the Dhingra Family.
See? I told you ! You will make friends with this random mad person!! ahh!!! ha!! [Pat pat.. patting my back..!!]
Both you and she are having lot of sounds in your heads (notice I did not say "Noise" but only said "Sounds" so it can be anything in the range from Noise to Music)
btw way choose the option
"full page" against "Comments form placement" under the Settings-> comments tab... that is better... than this option you have.. it allows us to see the post also.. then..
Thank you Guiding Light. :) Ok Ok.... i can almost see your fingers dying to type a response.
Woh to Hai!!
mama mia. nice work da. exactly, my state of mind. The search for peace, silence, friends, emotional bonding, spirituality, solitude and happiness is all that we seek once we realise that what we have accumulated (materials) till date is nothing but rubbish/waste. So does the real new life starts from here. let it be.....
Absolutely beautiful words. Those words illuminate! Love your pictures, would love one for my blog?
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