Monday, 31 January 2011


Was a dry month!
No wine to keep me going and rambling!
No fuel... No go!
Policy Decision.

Why I Keep My Trap Shut!

No!! No!!!... No one pestered me to do that!
I am a one track person....
I can either think or speak at a time.
Whenever i have tried to do both together in the past, I end up giving my favorite syndrome some more add to the long list of OH THOSE ONES that i have in my repertoire.

What Syndrome did you say??
The quite simple, but equally galling - Foot in the Mouth Syndrome.
Ask my friends and family. I am a Serial Offender!

Not that this l-o-n-g silence means I was thinking.... not a bit...
Was just gallivanting around town... getting harried and worked up about things which do not concern me. Busybody that i am.. and what do children say to that..."Nosy Parker"?

Monday, 10 January 2011

The Art of Asking

Never Ask for More than The Other is Willing to Give.

Some thoughts on the Why question to the above statement -
1. The other cares a hoot about how much and how little you want!
2. If a giver is unable to give, you are undermining his/her superiority. Since you are the seeker, give him/her the pride to be the Giver.
3. Ask for it as a favour...and not as a right. Remember rule no. 2.

Now that i have finished my preaching for the day...let me get on to other worldly matters :)